Abby Joy Randall was born on May 1st, 1991 to Tim and Jennifer Newell and she was raised in an awesome family. She recently married the love of her life Roman Randall. Abby began to write music and pursue her passion for leading worship at the age of 10. She started leading worship in a home church, and at the age of 13 she began leading for a young adults youth group and continued to lead worship all throughout her high school years in many churches and contexts.
In 2009 Abby continued in her passion for worship and songwriting through attending Forerunner Music Academy at The International House of Prayer University. Throughout her 5 year Journey at the International House of Prayer She got very involved in the prayer room leading worship and singing on various teams and was featured on a number of compilation discs. Her Ministry of music took her all over the US as well as Canada and Amsterdam. Abby has recorded a number of singles and plans to record a full length album in the next couple years.
Since graduating, she has worked in intervention for trafficked women as well as aftercare ministry for formerly trafficked women. Abby see’s this ministry as a huge part of her future in addition to music.
Throughout Abby’s life, her experience of intimacy and encounter with the Lord has been the fuel behind her worship leading and songwriting. Through it she desires to usher people into the powerful heart and passion of Christ. Abby Is dedicated to a lifestyle of prayer, worship, fasting, and intimacy with God and lives for the day when she will see him face to face.
Photography by Kyle Post Photography and Danny Hochstatter.
Album art by Isaac Weisman.